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Tantric massages for couples


For the ones in love, married couples, lovers and friends. Tantric massage for couples that want to explore themselves and each other. For friends, who want to be in same room or separate rooms, who want to give space to each other for an unforgettable experience. This type of massage brings some extraordinary, yet very deepening moments into your lives.

Beautiful ritual for couples that want to give their sexuality a new intensity. It helps to deepen your sensuality and ability to feel pleasure. You will explore your body and its potential for receiving love, feelings, sensuality and sexuality in a new way. Tantric massage is everything that you have ever wished to experience. If you give yourself the opportunity to go through this experience with someone close or a beloved one, you will feel how powerful and enriching for your lives it may be for a long time after the massage and how amazing it may feel to perceive the new dimensions of intimacy. You will leave us completely relaxed, fulfilled with love, care, positive energies and joy.

There is a wide choice of massages, which by your choice include an intimate massage, with 2 male or female therapists together and/or combined one, in separate rooms or a shared one. The price for a couple massage is doubled. In the morning hours, you can take advantage of getting a 20 % off.

If you wish to have a sauna before your massage, please mention it during your phone call reservation.

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